About Us
We are thrilled to have a wonderful team of volunteers planning Outrun the Stigma 2021 in Edmonton.
Our 2021 committee members include:
Amanda Lee, Eman Moussa, Sumaiya Salsabil, Parth Patel, Angeline Letourneau, Speena Dalal, Soren Skaret, Jessica Odyjewski, Jasmine Li, Emilie Desnoyers, Sakina Mithaiwala, Khadijah Samad, Rebecca Oluwabiyi, Christian Sanchez Ortiz, Kevin Zhan, Micaela Mauthner, Andrew Cunningham, Meagan Eckel, Lele Xiao, Mikaela Stuparyk, Deqa Farah, and Danielle Smith
Rebecca Oluwabiyi
1. What is your position on the planning committee? What are you currently studying?
I am a member of the finance team. I am currently studying computer science.
2. Why did you join Outrun the Stigma?
I joined Outrun the Stigma because it is an extremely worthy cause. Where I come from struggles with mental illness are hidden because of the stigma. I am honoured to be part of a cause that encourages individuals to take care of themselves physically and mentally.
3. Fun fact about Rebecca!
You will often times find me smiling while running. Completing a 5k just makes me so happy.
Micaela Mauthner
1. What is your position on the planning committee? What are you currently studying?
Position: Community Outreach Team Director Currently Studying: Medicine (MD Program)
2. Why did you join Outrun the Stigma?
I am passionate about increasing awareness about mental health, breaking down the stigma associated with mental health, and advocating for better access to mental health resources. I joined Outrun the Stigma because their mission and values align well with my own, and as a new Edmontonian I wanted to get involved in the Edmonton community!
3. Fun fact about Micaela!
I love to read! A couple of my favourites at the moment are "Being Mortal" by Atul Gawande and "Why We Sleep" by Matthew Walker.
Deqa Farah
1. What is your position on the planning committee? What are you currently studying?
Part of the Education team. I am in my third year of a bachelors of science degree with a major in Biological Sciences.
2. Why did you join Outrun the Stigma?
I am extremely passionate about mental health and the ways in which we can contribute to anti stigma work in our community.
3. Fun fact about Deqa!
I love taking pictures of nature!
Andrew Cunningham
1. What is your position on the planning committee? What are you currently studying?
II am on the Community Outreach Team. I am currently taking a General Science degree with a major in Biological Sciences and a minor in Psych.
2. Why did you join Outrun the Stigma?
I joined Outrun the Stigma because I have always been a very active person playing on many teams and often times mental health is an avoided uncomfortable conversation among teammates and friends. Joining OTS has given me the opportunity to start a conversation with others to decrease the stigma around mental health.
3. Fun fact about Andrew!
I love peanut butter banana chocolate chip pancakes and would eat them everyday if I could.
Jessica Odyjewski
1. What is your position on the planning committee? What are you currently studying?
I am a Team Director on the Communication and Promotions Team. I am currently studying Nutrition and Food Science at the University of Alberta.
2. Why did you join Outrun the Stigma?
I have been a part of OTS Edmonton since 2017. I joined the planning committee because I resonate with Outrun the Stigma's mission, and I think this is an incredible cause for me to support.
3. Fun fact about Jessica!
A fun fact about myself is that I love swimming.
Kevin Zhan
1. What is your position on the planning committee? What are you currently studying?
I'm part of the finance committee. I'm going into my third year of a bachelors of science studying immunology!
2. Why did you join Outrun the Stigma?
I think that, especially in the university environment, mental health is something that requires as much awareness as possible. In the past, I've had people close to me go through mental health issues for a long time. I think that the topic needs to be much more normalized in our daily conversations so that people who are struggling are not alone. I joined the OTS initiative to help fight against this stigma.
3. Fun fact about Kevin!
A fun fact about me is that my favorite Disney movie is Treasure Planet!
Khadijah Samad
1. What is your position on the planning committee? What are you currently studying?
Hi! My name is Khadijah and I am part of the OTS 2020 Finance team. I am currently in my fourth year of my BSc, with a double major in Biological Sciences and Psychology.
2. Why did you join Outrun the Stigma?
As someone who has previously dealt with mental health strains such as anxiety, I believe it’s important to reduce the stigma surrounding the mental health of ones self and others, and normalize talking about it. As university students, it can be difficult to manage and navigate through everyday life while dealing with certain emotions and thoughts; and it’s important to remind others that they are not alone, and help is always available.
3. Fun fact about Khadijah!
A fun fact about myself is that I have a 2nd degree black belt in taekwondo!
Lele Xiao
1. What is your position on the planning committee? What are you currently studying?
I am the Education Team Director. I am currently studying Bilingual Nursing (French and English) at the University of Alberta!
2. Why did you join Outrun the Stigma?
I joined Outrun the Stigma because education is one of the pillars of my identity. Being able to (a) learn more about mental health and (b) teach others about it, is really significant and special to me.
3. Fun fact about Lele!
I am an air cadet of over 6 years and through the program, I earned both my glider and private pilot licenses! It's my dream to be able to fly other cadets and inspire them to pursue aviation as well.
Danielle Smith
1. What is your position on the planning committee? What are you currently studying?
I'm an Education Team member this year and I'm studying a BSc in Kinesiology!
2. Why did you join Outrun the Stigma?
I joined because mental health acceptance is important to me. As someone who suffers from a serious mental illness, I've seen how the stigma negatively affects people first hand. I remember being so embarrassed that I wasn't like anyone else around me. I had thoughts and feelings that other people didn't ever seem to have. I was lonely and sad during that period of my life and I think I would've felt a lot better if I knew that it was okay to be mentally ill. I want to reduce that stigma today so that way other people like me don't have to suffer through it the same way I did. I want people to be able to talk about mental health the same way they talk about physical health. I want them to take it just a serious too. By working on this team, I'm hoping to do my part in making that change.
3. Fun fact about Danielle!
'm trying to make my Animal Crossing island have all cat villagers, but it's much harder than it sounds.
Parth Patel
1. What is your position on the planning committee? What are you currently studying?
I'm one of the Co-Chairs this year and I'm studying Physiology.
2. Why did you join Outrun the Stigma?
University really opens you up to just how pervasive mental health issues can be and stress is pretty much everywhere. However, university is also full of students who promote mental health and work to erase the stigma. Seeing fellow students involved in mental health inspired me to join OTS and do my part to "outrun the stigma". I also come from a culture where most don't understand or know how to address mental health which made the mission of OTS even more personal for me.
3. Fun fact about Parth!
I love flamingoes!
Christian Sanchez Ortiz
1. What is your position on the planning committee? What are you currently studying?
I am part of the finance team! Currently I am majoring in finance with a minor in marketing.
2. Why did you join Outrun the Stigma?
joined to actively battle the stigma surrounding mental health. As a Latin American, I know the damage that mental health stigma has on society and individuals alike. I joined Outrun the Stigma because I believe that change starts with one person and that this is a cause worth fighting for.
3. Fun fact about Christian!
A fun fact about me is that I can fluently speak English and Spanish but my brain cannot comprehend French.
Sumaiya Salsabil
1. What is your position on the planning committee? What are you currently studying?
I am going into my second year at the UofA and majoring in biology. For OTS, I’m a part of the communications committee.
2. Why did you join Outrun the Stigma?
I joined Outrun the Stigma because I’m really passionate about creating a safe space to discuss mental health issues and I believed that OTS would be a great way to do that as well as show the connection between mental and physical health!
3. Fun fact about Sumaiya!
My favourite way to destress is to color!
Angeline Letourneau
1. What is your position on the planning committee? What are you currently studying?
Team Lead- Logistics Ph.D. in Environmental Sociology
2. Why did you join Outrun the Stigma?
I am an avid runner and a passionate mental health advocate. Getting involved with OTS seemed like an obvious way to link what I love to do with what I care about.
3. Fun fact about Angeline!
When I'm not running or playing with my puppy, I am usually reading. Last year I read over 52 and I'm hoping to beat that record this year.
Soren Skaret
1. What is your position on the planning committee? What are you currently studying?
Logistics team, BSc chem major
2. Why did you join Outrun the Stigma?
I enjoy running and support the idea behind OTS. There is still a stigma around mental health that effects us all.
3. Fun fact about Soren!
I’ve never left Canada.
Speena Dalal
1. What is your position on the planning committee? What are you currently studying?
I am a member of the logistics committee. I am currently studying political science.
2. Why did you join Outrun the Stigma?
I joined after many family members of mine passed away due to COVID. I saw the negative impact COVID and the death of family members had on people's mental health. I felt that by actually giving people an event or place to de-stigmatize mental health I issues I could best support those who have been affected the most.
3. Fun fact about Speena!
I once had a robber pick pocket me and then return the item back.
Mikaela Stuparyk
1. What is your position on the planning committee? What are you currently studying?
Member of the Education team, studying English and Sociology
2. Why did you join Outrun the Stigma?
After dealing with many aspects of mental health and mental illness over the years, I want to use my knowledge and experience to help others that may be struggling in the same or similar ways.
3. Fun fact about Mikaela!
I collect vintage cameras and love using them for (extremely) amateur film photography!
Meagan Eckel
1. What is your position on the planning committee? What are you currently studying?
Outreach Committee Member. I just finished my BSc Honors in Psychology.
2. Why did you join Outrun the Stigma?
I was involved in many sports growing up and that's where my love for exercise developed. Sport is also were I first encountered my struggles with mental health. I believe all aspects of health are intertwined and Outrun the Stigma is bringing that together.
3. Fun fact about Meagan!
I have a puppy named Jasper.
Emilie Desnoyers
1. What is your position on the planning committee? What are you currently studying?
Communication team member. Master's of psychiatry 1st year
2. Why did you join Outrun the Stigma?
OTS' cause really speaks to me as I would love to see a world were the stigma surrounding mental health is non-existent.
3. Fun fact about Emilie!
I was a competitive swimmer most of my life.
Sakina Mithaiwala
1. What is your position on the planning committee? What are you currently studying?
I am a member of the Communications Team. Currently I am in the 4th Year of my Bachelor of Science Degree with a Specialization in Cell Biology!
2. Why did you join Outrun the Stigma?
Where I come from, mental illness is almost considered shameful. There is so much stigma surrounding it, and as a result I have seen many loved ones suffer. There is a massive lack of support and resources available to people with mental illness, and I feel it is very important to be a part of a cause like Outrun the Stigma, to dispel this stigma and create as much awareness as possible. It is a great way to open up conversations surrounding mental illness, and a perfect platform for supporting physical and mental wellness.
3. Fun fact about Sakina!
I can fluently read and write Arabic but can't understand what I'm reading (or speak it)! :)